Caribbean Cold Souffles

Caribbean Cold Souffles
TASTY RECIPE (Serves 4-6)
1 large UGLI® tangelo, peeled and de-seeded
2 eggs, separated
½ cup sugar
2 tbsp Grand Marnier
2 level teasp powdered gelatine dissolved in 2 tbsp hot water or sweet white wine
½ pint heavy cream (lightly whipped)
To decorate:
A little UGLI® tangelo rind zest cut into strips
4-6 tbsp toasted coconut
Prepare 4-6 individual ramekin dishes by placing greaseproof paper collars around them. Put the egg yolks, sugar, and Grand Marnier into a basin over hot water. Whisk together until thick and creamy and lighter in colour. Remove from the water. Slowly pour in the gelatine mixture, whisking well. Liquidise the fruit and fold into the mixture. Beat egg whites to soft peaks. Fold into mixture along with the cream. Take care not to over mix. Pour into the prepared dishes and leave to set in the fridge. With a hot damp palate knife carefully remove the greaseproof collar. Decorate the sides of each souffle with the coconut and place the zest on the top.